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Sump Pumps

Battery Backup Systems

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Battery Backup Systems

There are several causes of sump pump system failures which can lead to flooding:

• Excess wear and tear of the primary pump, which can ultimately burn out a light duty sump pump motor (commonly installed in new homes)

• Switch failure

• Power outage

• Insufficient pumping capacity which prevents the primary pump from keeping up with water intake even though continuing to run

Installing a battery back up system creates a huge safety net during a storm. It can provide pumping capability during power outages or in the event that the primary pump just ceases to operate. It can also assist a functioning primary pump which is pumping but not keeping up with excess water intake

A critical element in back up systems is the battery or batteries used during a power outage. It is highly recommended that an AGM battery be used instead of a conventional marine deep cycle, wet lead-acid or gel battery. An AGM battery typically lasts longer, out-performs other types of batteries, and requires no maintenance. It removes the homeowner’s burden of having to frequently check the performance capability of the battery.

Basement Solutions of New England, Inc. offers several options to protect your home including TSW; Glentronics ProSeries; EmeSump/StormPros; and SumpPro Series to name a few.

Features of an EmeSump Battery Back-up System:

  • Reliable heavy duty 1/3HP AC sump pump, unlike most systems that rely on small plastic bilge-type DC pumps.

  • Fully automatic, converts 12V DC battery power into standard 115V AC electricity to run the AC 1/3HP EmeSump pump when the power is out. Runs off of standard 115V AC electricity when the power is on, avoiding unnecessary battery drain down.

  • The 1/3HP EmeSump sump pump supplied with the system is extremely efficient, only drawing 4.5 amps providing a longer run time while pumping more water than most 1/2HP pumps.

  • Uses deep cycle maintenance free AGM battery that performs better and lasts twice as long as the standard type battery.

  • Two indicator lights tell you the status of the system at all times.

  • Protective non-corrosive electronics enclosure and battery case.

  • Made in the USA.

              TSW                                                ProSeries                                           StormPro

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Protecting Your Foundation
Located At: 22 Reidell Street Douglas, MA 01516 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 532 Uxbridge, MA 01569 (508) 476-7695 or (508) 278-3331or (866) 350-3331
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